Welcome To The New Camper Decals Site
So A Bit Of A Introduction
Hello and thank you for browsing around Camper Decals Our brand new store.
My Name Is Paul and go by the name of derbypub on the talbotoc.com site which was founded by and young lad called Alex back then in ***** out of the sheer frustration of not being able to locate parts for his Talbot Express Motorhome, membership grew from a few like minded people who started to help each other with any type of problem you can think of, and with the majority of these motorhomes and campervans now at the ripe old age of 37 year old going down to the not so old of 28 years there are a lot of things to go wrong but i would say that 90% wouldn't have them any other way.
The club now as i type have 16,753 registered members, i for one know that without the club there is no way i could have kept any of my past and present vans on the road.
Do They Have Meets
Well the simple answer is YES, meets are organised by club members wishing to take on the roll of " Meet Organiser " These can be any where around the UK and can be found usually in the Events / Meets section of the Talbot Express Owners forum.
They have regular meets throughout the years so if your as crazy and likeminded as the rest of us then please put your name down to attend, you will not regret it and you will be made very welcome.
So, what do we offer.
Well, we are attempting to provide decals for all types of camper vans and motorhomes that sit on Talbot Express, C25 Citreon, Peugeot J5, Ducato from 1984 - 1993/4 i will be attempting to add new designs as i find them or get information from fellow members.
Does The Club Earn Anything
Simply put ... Yes Every time a Members Number is sold via the club site i will be forwarding £2 to the site.